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Stop The Genocide In Gaza - Sunday 7th January 2024

  • 07/01/2024
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Forrest Place, Perth
Since 7 October, Israel has bombarded the Gaza Strip relentlessly, killing at least 20,000 Palestinians, including more than 8,000 children. In harrowing scenes, survivors dig through the rubble with the bare hands to search for family members.
The hospital system has collapsed and hunger and disease are setting in, with aid supplies unable to reach those in need. Israeli troops have forced Palestinian men to strip to their underwear and paraded them through Gaza City’s desolate streets.
Meanwhile, politicians in every Western capital have stood silent, refusing to condemn Israel’s war for what it is: a genocide against the Palestinians.
The US government has again vetoed a ceasefire at the United Nations and has provided Israel with the armaments to carry out its atrocities.
We have rallied for ten weeks in a row to stop Israel’s genocidal war and marched as part of a global solidarity movement.
Join us again on 7 January to demand:
Stop the war on Gaza!
End the blockade of food, water, fuel and medical supplies!
End the Israeli occupation!
Cut Australian ties with Apartheid Israel!
Free Palestine!
We remind everyone that the struggle for a free Palestine is an anti-racist struggle. We condemn and oppose all forms of racism, including anti-semitism and Islamophobia. Ours is a struggle against the state of Israel, not against Jewish people, many of whom oppose Zionism, and who have a long history of being part of our movement for a free Palestine.

Friends of Palestine Western Australia (FOPWA)

ABN  308 3181 9745

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